Friday, August 5, 2016

Who Are You Voting Against?

This is perhaps the first election I can recall where probably the majority of votes cast for either side  are likely to be more a vote against the opponent than for a candidate.  Polling results a few months ago showed nearly half the voters to be more voting against someone than for someone and with events since then I suspect it is a higher percentage today.

This is especially the case for Trump, who seems to be "cratering" in the polls:

It seems voters are having some Trumpidation in supporting the golden hair wonder.  His off the cuff insulting remarks may not be working as well as they used to.  And Hillary suits the old lawyer joke quite well on "You know how to tell when a lawyer is lying? Her lips are moving."

So I have some sage advice to both candidates as they proceed in their campaigns.  Four little words I once heard a mother lovingly say to her child who was being a tad disruptive.  Donald and Hillary - "Shut the Butt Up!"  Talking, speeches, tweets and the like are simply driving more voters away from you.

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