Monday, April 27, 2009

I Do Not Like It, I Do Not, I Do Not!

I do not like Geithner,
I do not like Summers,
I do not like them,
I do not, I do not.

They spend my money,
They give it away,
They think that is funny,
And I have no say.

They like big banks,
They like them a lot,
They give them my money,
They give all I got.

I would not help banks,
Not give them a dime,
I would not help banks,
Even give them the time,
I would not help banks,
With all the subprime,
I would not help banks,
Their mess is a crime.

It is their problem,
They made their own bed,
It is their problem,
Their stock price is so red,
It is their problem,
You heard what they said,
It is their problem,
Yet they score from the Fed.

The TARP is bad,
The TARP is sad,
The TARP is making me,
Oh so mad!

PIPP PIPP horay,
I hear them say,
PIPP PIPP horay,
And again I pay!

We give banks money,
So they will lend,
We give banks money,
So they will spend,
But we give them the money,
And they pay dividends,
Please tell me Obama,
When it all ends.

The toxic assets,
They must be bought,
They must be bought,
For a lot,
And then the bank stocks,
Will be so hot,
And yet the economy,
Still goes to pot.
I do not like it,
I like it - not!
I do not like it,
Please make it all stop!!

I do not like Geithner,
I do not like Summers,
I do not like them,
I do not, I do not!!!

Disclosures: None!

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