Thursday, June 18, 2009

Honky Dory!!

Yep, everything is honky dory. Not a problem. Don't believe me, believe the indicators.

So the economy is just fine. I have nothing significant to say today. I have company in town and no time to really read or post. All I can say is I am still in hunker down mode. My bigger fear at the moment is that some posts I am reading suggest the US will be in hunker down mode for decades - which is why I noted yesterday why I might move elsewhere. Life is too short to tie it to a country that has sunk itself in debt. I have been fiscally responsible personally and I am not about to let a stupid group of government officials to screw up my remainging life - or that of my children. Please give me a reason to stay in the US other than our family is here. Please.

Disclosures: None

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