Saturday, August 13, 2011

Excuse Me Sir, But Do You Want Another Dip With That Recession?

I am on vacation and not about to do a long post, but I just read this nice piece and thought I would pass it on; it is about the prospect of a double-dip recession. Apparently economists are now up into the 30-40% range of expecting it and only a few months ago were around 15%. Seriously? I never went below 50%, though my timing has been off a smidgen.

Indeed, I, for one, do not believe we ever got out of the last recession. The surge we have seen has been stimulus spending, QE and QE2, not to mention the effects of stimulus and the like in other countries. In other words, it has been a manufactured economic bounce from the recession and I do not count that in my books. Had it worked in stimulating new growth, that may have been another story, but it did not work, so we really never recovered from the last recession. It was just masked over by government actions.

So where do I stand on the odds of a double-dip (assuming we ever really came out of the first one)? I side with Mr. Rosenberg in the linked article. He seems to not be wearing rose colored glasses. I think the double-dip has already arrived. All we need now is the sprinkles.

Disclosures: None.

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