Sunday, October 2, 2011

"Great Prices on Stocks and Bonds"

So I am watching this commercial for a brokerage company that does retirement planning and the like. You can use them to buy stocks and bonds and the like. They will hold your investments in an account and advise you on investments. In this commercial, they had some worldly guy saying that they can get "great prices on stocks and bonds."

SERIOUSLY!! You are advertising getting me good prices on stocks and bonds?!! Do you get some special deal the rest of the brokers do not get? Do y0u know something the rest of us do not know? How can you say this in a TV commercial?! These companies are idiots!

I digress from my usual programming but this commercial simply set me off a bit. People buy into this BS and it upsets me.

So I hate to say this (my son says we do not say hate) but we are very, very close to where the "can" cannot be kidked any more. Not saying it is here just yet - but I am listening for that pin to drop. It will.

Y0u are reading this thinking it is BS with no substance, I agree on no substance as I am too busy to put that in. I will in time but meanwhile, watch out.

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