Friday, July 3, 2015

Bush v. Clinton

There is a reasonable chance that next year we will see another Bush v. Clinton battle.  On the highly erroneous, not saying it is so, have absolutely no support for it, totally made-up, what if category of discussion, let me hypothesize that the present Bush and Clinton perform in the Oval Office similarly to their family members.  After all, Jeb is of the same blood as the other two and was raised by the same parents as W with likely similar values being instilled.  And Hill is - well - she does have the same last name and is married to the guy, so just play along and assume she performs like him (and I mean in the Oval Office, not the bedroom. Okay, okay, so he probably did that in the Oval Office too, but you know what I mean).  Assuming - and you know what it means to assume - that this is the case, let's look into the crystal ball and see what is in store.

Let's start with private sector employment, shall we.  The two Bushes were collectively in office 12 years.  They collectively added - drum roll please - 1,047,000 private sector jobs.  That is a whopping 87,250 jobs per year.  Billy, in eight years, did a little better, adding 20,957,000 private sector jobs, averaging 218,000 per month.  Just a sliiiiight difference here.


Now we are off looking at ye old deficit spending.  GHW added $1.554 trillion during his four years and his son W added a whopping $5.849 trillion, for a total over 12 years of $7.403 trillion, which is .617 trillion per year.  Bill added $1.396 trillion in his eight years, or .237 trillion per year.

Keep in mind folks that his is a Bush vs. Clinton discussion, not a Republican vs. Democrat discussion.  If you want to go there, Democrats should not be getting on their high horse just yet as Obama has spent $6.167 trillion through 2014 and has another two years of damage to inflict.  And though Obama's job creation has been better than the two Bushes, me thinks the last year and a half of his second term could change that quite a bit.  And, let's not forget, his job creation has been meager at best anyway given it is virtually all low paying part time jobs.


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